Welcome to the registration website for the 2023 Living Machines @ Work day
The 2023 Living Machines @ Work day is a mini-symposium that aims to promote interdisciplinary interactions between biologists, chemists, physicists, mathematicians and (bio-)informaticians at the Université Paris-Saclay.The symposium is open to both scientists and students. For more information about the Living Machines @ Work network, click here. The day will take place on the 11th of October 2023 at the Ecole Normale Supérieure Université Paris-Saclay in Gif-sur-Yvette.
Preliminary program and speakers:
09:00 Welcome 09:20 Keynote lecture 1: Leonid Mirny (MIT, USA and Institut Curie) 10:20 Seeding grant 2022: Ewen Lescop (ICSN), Théo Beguin (ICP) & Hélène Pasquier (ICP) 10:40 Seeding grant 2022: Joana Santos (I2BC) 11:00 Coffee break 11:30 Seeding grant 2022: Pablo Radicella (CEA - Fontenay aux Roses) 11:50 CNRS Mission pour les Initiatives Transverses et Interdisciplinaires: Laurent Blanchoin (LPCV, Grenoble) 12:30 Lunch buffet and posters 14:30 Keynote lecture 2: Martin Lenz (LPTMS, Université Paris-Saclay) 15:30 Seeding grant 2022: Stephan Vagner (Institut Curie) 15:50 Internship grant 2023: Ana Gutierrez (ESE) 16:10 Coffee break 16:40 Internship grant 2023: Essylt Louarn (ICPS) 17:00 Keynote lecture 3: Jean-Louis Mergny (Ecole Polytechnique) 18:00 Closing of the symposium
Participation to the conference is limited to scientist and students associated with the Université Paris-Saclay. Participation, including lunch and coffee breaks, is free of charge but requires prior registration. Registration for the symposium is now closed.